Designed around the needs of clients without an expert in-house IT support function, and who prefer to focus management energies elsewhere.
With 'full support', we take complete responsibility for our customer's overall IT requirements, managing day-to-day IT services, providing long-term advice regarding IT-related business issues, and delivering exceptional value.
Designed around the needs of businesses who have an expert, in-house IT services function, but who still require additional expertise and input on a regular basis.
In this scenario, some clients come to us for specific services such as network management or user support. Whilst others see us as an additional flexible resource, working in partnership with the manager responsible for IT services, and supplementing the in-house IT support team.
For clients (who may also be Full support or Complementary support clients) seeking a reliable and proven partner to project manage and deliver crucial IT projects.
Amiatys has a long-standing track-record of delivering IT and telephony projects of various sizes, from simple upgrades to major network design and implementation projects. Our clients trust us to deliver when delivery matters.
Michał makes all executive decisions with regard to the technological interests of a company. He is responsible for outlining the company's technological vision, implementing technology strategies, and ensuring that the technological resources are aligned with the company's business needs.
Łukasz is in charge of the computer systems for an organization. His main job duties include maintaining computer networks with software updates and hardware upgrades, providing technical support, and training other employees on best practices.
Amiatys od lat w sposób kreatywny i z największą dbałością o szczegóły wspiera nas w realizowanych projektach. Zawsze profesjonalnie i zawsze na czas. Polecam.
Amiatys made great things for us. I can't say enough how well their solutions are tailored to our industry!
Amiatys a toujours su parfaitement comprendre nos besoins tout en proposant des solutions extrêmement efficaces. Un grand merci à eux pour nous avoir rendu la vie simple.
Copyright by Amiatys Sp. z. o.o. 2021. Amiatys Sp. z o. o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy ul. Klaudyny 4 / lok. 53, 01-684 Warszawa, jest wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy dla miasta stołecznego Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, KRS 0000284720, NIP 5213442196, REGON 141000918 i posiada kapitał zakładowy w wysokości 50 000 PLN, w całości wpłacony.
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